Friday, May 16, 2008


Being a Mother, I don't think there is a day that goes by that you have to remember to have patience. A few days ago, I was losing my patience with J.J. I had asked him to put his shoes in his room and he was ignoring me. Using a line my Mom would say to me, I said, "Jonathan, I am not going to ask you again. Put your shoes in your room!" With such wisdom, he replied, "Yes, you will ask me again." He knew with certainty that it was not my last time asking him. It caught me so off guard that I just started laughing and I gave him a big hug. I did not ask him again because I decided to just put his shoes in his room for him. I know it is a tough job, but I love being a Mom!

1 comment:

Matt and Stacy Compton said...

Hey, when do you think you might be coming up? We might be down to utah at the end of the month but nothing has been decided yet. I love your new blog design, it is so cute! We do check it often so if you wonder if anyone ever sees what you put there, I do. Loved the story about JJ, sometimes kids can be so perceptive.